Every student should be present on the re-opening day of the school.
A previous application for leave must be submitted.
In case of sickness and unforeseen circumstances, the students must show the teacher the leave letter without fail.
A medical certificate must be produced for absence due to a contagious or infectious illness.
Continuous absence for 15 days without leave will be considered equivalent to withdrawal of the student from Church School and his/her name will be struck off the roil.
Regular class attendance is vital in academic success. Hence, every student is required to attend a minimum of 75% of the classes held in each subject per academic session. Any student who fails to meet the minimum of 75% class attendance is liable to be detained at the Final Exam.
Assembly attendance is compulsory because most of the important information Is announced during the Assembly. When the bell rings at 7.25 a.m. / 11.25 a.m., all students must assemble for the assembly. Attendance in every official Programme organized by the school is compulsory. Attending academic and non-academic programmes of the school will be an important factor.